Senior Coal Analyst with XMP Consulting, Xavier Prévost, has been the main source of South African coal information and statistics for more than 30 years. Under his leadership, AfriCoal Energy Review strives to provide data that is accurate, up to date and thoroughly researched.

We cover the following statistics:

  • Extensive Steam
    Coal Export Data
  • Comprehensive Production & Domestic Consumption Data
  • Rail and Ports Data
  • Pricing data
  • Other market
    related statistics

We offer

A Coal Information Reporting Service

Should you have any requirements regarding coal information, we have the essential statistics and figures related to the industry to fill the gaps. We keep a finger on the pulse of news and trends in the international coal community and are well placed to offer you a comprehensive and accurate global picture.

AfriCoal Energy Review is an important source of information for anyone involved in the African coal industry or associated industries. Our extensive records, including data such as production, sales, exports and prices, will be used to meet enquirer needs.

We provide

  • Up to date coverage of local coal industry news.
  • Analysis of key issues driving the supply
    and demand of coal in South Africa.
  • Updates on the South African coal energy sector.
  • Market roundup of coal news in other African countries.
  • The development of coal based energy on the African continent.
  • Global news that impacts on the South African coal industry.
  • Periodical local (inland) coal market reports with market overviews.
  • Coal prices for the different grades and coal users.


To be announced





XMP Consulting

Pretoria, South Africa

t +27 (0) 12 333 6305

f +27 (0) 86 612 5688

m +27 (0) 82 494 3968

on request

We provide a service in coal information reporting through the creation of client-specific reports to meet unique client coal information needs.

Current industry statistics, including production, sales, exports and pricing data, as well as the latest information on developments in the field are sourced from the records of XMP Consulting, coal industry specialists.